Trichocereus grandiflorus (Torch Cactus)


Description: Also called the Torch Cactus. Grows up to 15 inches tall, basal branching forming clusters.

Common Name(s): Torch Cactus, Red torch cactus, Desert’s blloming jewel.

Habit: Catamarca, Argentina.

Flowers: Huge red flowers (mother plant shown in photos). Other hybrids with varying colours exist.

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Description: Also called the Torch Cactus. Grows up to 15 inches tall, basal branching forming clusters.

Common Name(s): Torch Cactus, Red torch cactus, Desert’s blloming jewel.

Habit: Catamarca, Argentina.

Flowers: Huge red flowers (mother plant shown in photos). Other hybrids with varying colours exist.

Description: Also called the Torch Cactus. Grows up to 15 inches tall, basal branching forming clusters.

Common Name(s): Torch Cactus, Red torch cactus, Desert’s blloming jewel.

Habit: Catamarca, Argentina.

Flowers: Huge red flowers (mother plant shown in photos). Other hybrids with varying colours exist.

Gymnocalycium mihanovichii
Echinocereus rigidissimus ssp rubispinus LO88
Gymnocalycium pflanzii var albipulpa cv inermis
Gymnocalycium gibbosum
Setiechinopsis mirabilis (Echinopsis mirabilis)